Democracy at Work Podcast features Worx Printing Co-Op
ICYMI: Last week Worx co-founder Kevin O’Brien was the feature interview on the All Things Co-Op podcast from Democracy at Work (d@w), just in time for National Co-op Month.
Like a lot of our community connections, this one came about because d@w is a Worx client. That is what we in the business call synergy, folks (or if that’s a little too capitalist sounding you could call it…co-operation. Haha, nailed it!).
The wide ranging conversation is a good deep dive into the origins of Worx, the effect of globalization on the apparel industry, the benefits of worker-owned union co-ops, and much more. We’re biased, but we thought it was a great interview.
“We don’t approach our union relationship in an adversarial way. We start by opening up our books and explaining our business model and saying, ‘This is who we are and what we are. How do we ensure that we treat everybody fairly in the process?’” – Kevin O’Brien on the All Things Co-op podcast
Check out the full interview below. Take notes, we expect a 10-page report on our desk in the morning (or you could listen to more of d@w’s great co-op interviews instead).
About the Democracy at Work Online Store for Custom Swag
Democracy at Work launched an on-demand printing store with Worx Printing, and has some really awesome merch there that you should check out.
Their online store features custom T-shirts with quotes about workplace democracy that we really love, and their designs are bold and modern. In addition to promotional t-shirts (all USA made and union printed, of course!) you can also find custom American made mugs like this “We can do better than capitalism” version that we’re kinda partial to. There are even custom aprons with quotes, for anyone cooking up alternatives to capitalism! And adorable custom baby onesies for budding organizers.
We’re really proud of our relationship with Democracy at Work and love producing their custom swag. Hope you’ll check it out for yourself.
Until next time, follow Worx on Instagram and Twitter for more. And if you want your worker-owned, union, and/or coop business or organization featured on GOOD PRESS, email us at Solidarity!